About Me

Hannover, Niedersachsen, Germany
My Name is Sandra, I'm 38 Years old and come from Germany. E-Mail: snopyangel30@googlemail.com

Samstag, 1. Mai 2010

Blogtrain "Motherday"

20 Papers
76 Elements

Here are all Designers the contributed to have ...


7 Kommentare:

CraftCrave hat gesagt…

Just a quick note to let you know that a link to this post will be placed on CraftCrave in the Graphics category today [01 May 02:00pm GMT]. Thanks, Maria

Ellie hat gesagt…

Gorgeous kit, thank you!
Hugs, Ellie

Sharon aka Scrapcat4914 hat gesagt…

TY so very much!!!!!!!

SONDRA hat gesagt…

Thank you for sharing this beautiful kit!

ArtsyNona hat gesagt…

Many thanks for your great kits.

SynfulFae hat gesagt…

Thanks so much for the free kit! All your kits are beautiful!! xoxo

Unknown hat gesagt…

thank you for the gorgeous kit..Evita